Retailer Details:
MORE TH>N BUSINESS was set up to provide small businesses with direct
products that are intended to take the hassle out of insurance.
Car Insurance - You could pay as little as £630 a year
Based on 10% of new customers. MORE TH>N data May-July 13
Van insurance - You could pay as little as £21 a month
Based on 10% of new customers. MORE TH>N data May-July 13.
•Van Choice from MORE TH>N BUSINESS is designed to give you exactly what you need to run your business and get you a cheap van insurance quote to suit your budget. Choose to cover your tools, electrical equipment and more with our flexible cover options
• Add replacement vehicle cover in case yours is stolen or needs to be repaired at a recommended repairer following an accident
•Free accident recovery service
•Add or remove drivers or vehicles at anytime
•Choose from 4 levels of Breakdown Cover
•Friendly UK-based Customer Managers
• Online Documentation available 24/7
- the business insurance company.
Reward Details:
Business Car Insurance |
7000 |
points per policy |
Business Van Insurance |
7000 |
points per policy |
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